Pair one dozen of our long-stem red roses with a vibrant mix of orange lilies and you have a stunning autumn-inspired bouquet that’s sure to make someone’s day.
Bouquet of 12 long-stem red roses, 4 orange Asiatic lilies and 4 orange Peruvian lilies
Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
Add to their gift:
Exclusive red glass vase with an artistic footed detail and a classic, stylish design; measures 9"H
Pumpkin suncatcher with vibrant colors of stained glass features the sentiment “hello fall” to welcome the new season; includes silver chain hanger; measures 5"D
Clear glass tapered vase in a sleek design style; measures 9"H
This item is not available online. Please call for purchasing options.
Get Fresh Flowers With A Magical Aroma From The Best Florist In Santa Clara, California!
Rose Cart Florist of Sunnyvale & Flower Delivery is known for being the best online flower delivery service in California. We have a large variety of flowers, including roses, lilies, sunflowers, flower bouquets & baskets, and more, with highly bloomed and a dedicated team of florists who can place flower florist deliveries. Visit the florist flower shop and surprise your loved ones with aromatic flowers.
Fast Florist Flower Delivery And Helpful The Best Florist Delivery Service!
Our florists provide floral services for all occasions and events, even for local funeral homes and hospitals, with online florists same day delivery services. You can contact us on calls any day from 7:00 till 7:00 pm, and CA, flower delivery is open from Monday-Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Let Rose Cart of Sunnyvale & Flower Delivery, a flowers local florist, handle the unique flower arrangements for your upcoming events, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, or any other event. If you are willing to make Mother's Day memorable, you can pick our flower delivery mothers Day service to send colorful flowers to your mother. On someone special's birthday, the best option is a rose bouquet with different hues will make the best choice by opting out of a rose delivery same day.
Order The Best Florist Order Online For The Upcoming Events!
We are famous for online florist delivery in Santa Clara, California, and the best floral orders when ordering online for any special day. In our shop, we have a large variety of Green & blooming Plants, Fruit & Gourmet Baskets, Gift Baskets, Baby Gifts, Candy & Godvia Chocolate Truffles, Balloons, and more. You can add anything with a floral basket that will meet your needs by placing the best online florist delivery order from the florist flower shop in California.